Friday, March 5, 2010

Stealing Homes From Babies

Brien & I went to look at a townhouse we saw on Craigslist. It's a crazy amazing deal, the kind we'd be fools to pass up. We were resolved to snag it as long as some key things checked out (i.e. tenants didn't look like hookers, place didn't smell like weed, carpets didn't have bloodstains, etc). The place looked great.

On our way out through the parking lot, we passed a hispanic couple with 2 small children. Turns out they were there to view the same space, as the landlord courteously called to inform us. And they wanted it bad, so pressure's on. Technically Brien & I have dibs on it since we viewed it first, but who knows, maybe the owners prefer families over unmarried childless couples?

If we do win the place, it'd be hard to shake the feeling that we just stole a home from babies. Mmmm, stealing homes from babies is yummy.